SLNSWCA – Invitation: NEW YEARS EVE HOLY MASS – Your attendance must be registered

SLNSWCA – Invitation: NEW YEARS EVE HOLY MASS – Your attendance must be registered


A few things to note:

1) More details will follow regarding this event, so please keep an eye on our emails in the coming days.

2) Attendance for this event is strictly limited to 250 people and preregistration is compulsory.

*Please note, only add attendees to the below registration, if they confirmed to be attending. If your circumstances change, please do let us know. A number of individuals who registered for the Christmas event didn’t attend, and this is unfair to those who wanted to register but weren’t able to, due to capacity constraints.

3)In the below registration tiles, we also request that you include your home address. This is for the purpose of updating our local database and will remain strictly confidential

Register Your Attendance:

Attendee’s Name

(First Name and Surname)

Adult or Child/InfantContact Phone NumberHome/Residency Address

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