Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Green Prawn Stir Fry

Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Green Prawn Stir Fry


2 Medium size Banana Chillies, long sweet yellow
1 Average size Carrot
1 Tsp Garlic paste/minced Garlic
250g Green Prawns
3 Medium size Mushrooms
1 Packet Noodles, fresh (From fridge serction)
2 Tblsp Oil
1/2 Medium Onion rings (Optional) size
2 Medium size Sweet Hot Chillies Optional)
2 Tsp Cornflour
2 Tblsp Oyster Sauce
2 Tblsp Soy Sauce, low salt
2 Tsp Sugar
2 Tblsp Water


Prepare all ingredients, clean, wash and cut, except the mushrooms, which must be wiped using a paper towel, or something similar before you cut them up. If you wash the prawns, be very gentle!

When cutting up the chillies, slice diagonally and remove the seeds, as these are hottest parts of any chilli. Then slice the chillies into any shape or size you like. Wash your hands after handling any chillies, just to be safe!
Mix all the Sauce ingredients as well and put aside.

Cooking time is only a few minutes, hence the suggestion to cook when you are ready to serve and eat!

It is best to use the `fresh noodles to avoid pre-cooking which can be tricky. Follow the directions on the packet of `fresh’ noodles to prepare for use.

When you are ready to serve and eat, put the oil into a pan and heat, add the garlic paste or fresh minced Garlic. Add the vegetables and fry until they look, (onion rings to a light brown colour) and smell good!

Then add the sauce, the Green Prawns and stir lightly for a minute or two, or until you are happy with the `look’ of the dish.

Finally, add the noodles and when ready (about a couple of minutes), serve. Don’t stir the noodles too much as it will get rather mushy

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