The Definitive Answer To 20 Of Your Biggest Health Questions Thanks to the eLanka member who emailed the following. If you are the author of this great write up, kindly email us at and we will add you as the author! Thanks!   Does olive oil prevent heart disease? Short answer: Yes The health benefits of olive oil come from the presence of polyphenols, antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart diseases and cancers. But to get these healthy compounds, consumers should buy good-quality, fresh “extra-virgin” olive oil, which has the highest polyphenol content. Most commercially available olive oils have low levels of polyphenols associated with poor harvesting methods, improper storage, and heavy processing. Do cough syrups work?    Short answer: No In 2006, the nation’s chest physicians agreed that the majority of over-the-counter cough medicines don’t actually work. These colorful syrups typically contain doses of codeine and dextromethorphan that are ...

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