Sri Lankan Recipes by Curry Mad – Pan Fried Fish Ingredients 1 Small tin *Baked Beans 1 Medium *Brown Onion 1 Tblsp *Chilli flakes 2 Slices *Ripe Mango 1 Tblsp Cooking Oil 1 Sprig Curry Leaves 1/2 Lime/Lemon Pepper & Salt to taste 1 Slice Salmon Preparation *Optional ingredients Cut the Curry Leaves into small pieces. If using Brown Onion, cut this also into smallish rings. Rub the Curry Leaves, Chilli flakes and Onion into the fish and put aside for about 10-15 minutes. Using a flat fry pan, heat the Cooking Oil and add the Fish, Onion, and Chilli. When almost done, add the Baked Beans. Add Salt and Pepper to taste and serve. Squeeze the Lime or Lemon over. `Garnish’ with slices of Ripe Mango. Enjoy. ...

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