Yearning – by Noor Rahim   The word “yearning” means: “eager to fulfill a desire”; “filled with a desire”; “longing for” or simply “craving” as per the common definitions in any dictionary. In life we are constantly confronted with our “yearnings” or cravings; be it for materialistic requirements and wants; or for our spiritual needs/guidance. Yet with some resorting to spiritual favours (for fulfillment of cravings for ones needs/ requirements) in order to fulfill their materialistic desires. Apart from such above desires; we in the very North or should I say “Top of the World” have a definitive “craving”, working in our innermost sub conscience, when we confront the God given phenomena of the 4 well defined seasons that rules our very lives. That of Summer; Autumn; Winter; and Fall. We “weather the storm” so to say year in and year out, bravely and meaningfully; with some enjoying and yet ...

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    “WHITHER GOES’T THOU”? – By Des Kelly    Answering the above question, William Shakespeare, of a latter era (of course), would assure us that if one wished to experience four Seasons in one day, Melbourne, Australia would have to be the only City in the whole wide World where this would be possible. It did not really matter whether the weather began with Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter, people in Melbourne would be expected to be suitably attired, or face the consequences. One would think that Melbourne- born Australians would be quite used to the vagaries of climate-change, but, no, it seems quite impossible for anyone to climatize accordingly. Anyway, Melbourne is still the best City in the World, so, if the question Whither goes’t thou ?, is put to me, my answer would unhesitatingly be, Melbourne, for Your’s Sincerely,  Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) eLanka. ...

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“AS WINTER BECKONS” – By Des Kelly Charmaine Gunatillake has written a very good piece of advice for all of us. “And, then, it is Winter,” clearly shows,  Each and every one of us follow the four Seasons, Spring, when we are born, Summer, as we go thru life, it’s good and bad, happy and sad, Autumn, the age of retirement, to either reap the benefits of a life well lived, or, end up bankrupt, sad and sorry for ourselves, financially speaking, to “finish-up”, “As Winter Beckons”, cold, homeless, and sleeping on the Streets, somewhere.This is sometimes, the reality of it. Finally, as Winter makes it’s way thru life, as Charmaine says, WE DIE!!.It all sounds very final, but folks, it is the Gospel truth. We are born, we live, we get old (only to be thrown on the scrapheap),in many cases, and then we  “cark-it”, as they say in Australia. I think ...

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