Below is a detailed list of junk foods – By Dr Hector Perera : London After a long day of school, you ride the bus home and anxiously anticipate having a snack as soon as you burst through the front door. But what kind of snack will you choose? Will it be a healthy apple or celery with peanut butter? Or will you head for the potato chips and soda? The answer probably depends upon what’s available in the kitchen cupboards and the refrigerator and whether or not your parents are home. After all, if Mom or Dad is around, you probably won’t get away with chugging soda and noshing on chips. In fact, they probably have a special name for those foods. What are we talking about? Junk food, of course! Every kid at one time or another has had some of his or her favourite foods referred to as junk food. But what exactly does that mean? It’s obviously not made from garbage, ...

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