ISHARA SANDAMINI AYURVEDIC PHYSICIAN, ACTRESS,MODEL,BEAUTY QUEEN,TELIVISION PRESENTER,FOUNDER OF AYUR WAY HERBEL BEAUTY PRODUCTS IN AN UNBMLEMISHED SCINTILLATING JOURNEY – By Sunil Thenabadu Image Source : Ishara Sandamini Facebook Ishara Sandamini Abeywickrema is a ‘Multipotentiality individual with many passions, hailed from a village termed Pitabeddara in the southern province close to Akuressa .She is the younger sibling her elder sister who is a Neuro physician domiciled in Sydney .Pitabeddara village consisted of lakes, rivers, streams and even waterfalls which made the village very conducive to a decent living with no hazards’ like unbearable heat hence where she was born had been a beautiful village with low temperatures which made living rather comfortable as Deniyaya the next village was considered experiencing a cold climate with tea plantations ideal for most people to engage in decent living. Ishara had been a bright student like her elder sister had studied up to grade five at ...