PAGES WORTH PRESERVING – By Beverley Pinder OAM A memorable visit to the Victor Melder Sri Lanka Library six months ago left me in awe of the work undertaken by Victor over the past 50+ years. The location of the Library, at his home, is one that Victor has very kindly afforded Sri Lankans in Australia to be able to access whenever the need existed for research and information. Alas, the Library was needing to be relocated so that the burden may be eased off Victor and his wife, Esther. With the help of retired IT professional, Hemal Gurusinghe and myself we have found a new location for this valuable resource. Following a visit to the VMSLL in March this year, I began to canvas the need for space for alow rental fee. We explored a garage in Deer Park as well as several other possible ‘homes’ with the intention ...
Oct 2, 2024
Tagged Beverley Pinder OAMA, Hemal Gurusinghe, LIBRARY, VICTOR MELDER SRI LANKA LIBRARY