Rethinking Tourism-BY PRAMOD DE SILVA Source:Sundayobserver The exploration of other countries and places on the planet is called tourism. It is obviously a big business, worth around US$ 1.3 billion yearly globally. Tourism is one of the world’s most important economic sectors. It employs one in every ten people on Earth and provides livelihoods to hundreds of millions more. For some countries, it can represent over 20 percent of their GDP. Sri Lanka is one of the world’s best-known tourism destinations and was a global hot spot for tourism until fairly recently, with publications such as CNN Travel and Lonely Planet declaring Sri Lanka as the world’s top spot for travel. This gave a big boost for inbound tourism, with Sri Lanka earning around US$ 5 billion from tourism receipts in 2018, the last “normal” year for tourism in Sri Lanka. This is because the Easter attacks happened in April ...

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The families ditching traditional vacations for home swapping- by Tamara Hardingham-Gill Source:Edition (CNN) — The concept of staying in another family’s home while they bed down in yours isn’t exactly new. Many frugal holiday makers have been doing it for years to save on accommodation costs while enjoying a different type of vacation experience However, the ongoing travel restrictions and uncertainty brought about by the pandemic has led to a significant boom in this type of holiday. UK-based company Love Home Swap reported a 282% increase in new customers signing up for free trials last year when compared with 2019, while rival company Holiday Swap saw a growth of 20%. HomeExchange, a home swapping site with over 450,000 properties across 159 countries that allows users to list their property, has also noticed a rise in interest. In fact, the number of exchanges finalized on the platform last month was 3% higher than those organized in 2019. ...

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