Walter Stace in British Ceylon, 1910-1932-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Walter T. Stace was a British citizen born in 1886 and educated in private schools in Wales and Scotland before completing his undergraduate degree at Trinity College, Dublin. He was therefore of middle-upper class background. His philosophical leanings did not deter him from signing up for the Colonial Service. He was sent to Ceylon – reaching the island with his wife … and being posted to the town of Galle*** in 1910. He wrote his autobiography at some point and the Sri Lankan chapters have been printed as a book entitled FOOTPRINTS ON WATER under the editorial direction of Bernd Pflug by the Sailfish firm in Colombo marketed by the Perera Hussein Publishing House in a 218-page booklet bearing the ISBN 978-624-5993-02=4 His autobiographical chapters have the following headings: Colombo and Galle; Galle; Chilaw; Gampola and Kandy; Governor Chalmers; Negombo; Land ...

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