SRI LANKA CAN  QUICKLY BOUNCE BACK IF SRI LANKANS WANT IT – by N.S.Venkataraman Sri Lanka has a population of   slightly more than 22 million.  Sri Lanka’s population is reported to have an adult literacy rate of  more than  92 percent , which is above average by world and regional standards. Computer literacy is more than 30  percent and website users  are  reported to be more than 32  percent of the population.  Certainly, Sri Lankan society  can be considered as .well informed one , as education plays a major part in the life and culture of  Sri Lanka. In such circumstances, people around the world , who have knowledge about Sri Lanka’s history, culture and tradition , are taken aback to see the type of violence that is now sweeping the country ,  which have made many people wonder as to how Sri Lanka would come out of the present crisis. In ...

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