Expert panellists share insights into trade opportunities with UK and Europe, on ECCSL and CBB joint webinar Source:FT Sri Lanka has an important role to play as Britain shifts its post-Brexit trade strategy to dynamic economies and the Commonwealth, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. This view, expressed by Brendan Vickers from the Commonwealth Secretariat, gave much good food for thought on a Webinar on 8 July, jointly hosted by the European Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (ECCSL) and the Council for Business with Britain (CBB). The webinar, the second of two discussing the impact of Brexit on business and trade with Sri Lanka, featured a highly distinguished and knowledgeable panel, made up of Consultant Economist specialising in better regulation, governance, Brexit and transport in Ireland Tom Ferris; EY Director – Trade Strategy George Riddell; EDB Chairman and Chief Executive Suresh De Mel; and Commonwealth Secretariat Adviser/Head – International Trade ...