The next generation of computing: DNA Computing By Aditya Abeysinghe Silicon-based microprocessors changed the digital world. Data processing of devices from IoT (Internet of Things) to super computers is handled by these tiny electronic chips. Early microprocessors had limited processing speed, yet, at present, even the smallest devices could process billions of digital operations within seconds. However, with growing computational needs, there is a limit of capacity that these chips could provide. Therefore, a new type of processing has been long thought as a solution to computation demands.  How DNA Computing began DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) computing was first termed in 1994 when Leonard Adleman a computer scientist at the University of Southern California described about using DNA to solve the “travelling salesman” problem. Also referred to as the directed Hamilton Path Problem, the problem is about finding the shortest route between a number of cities such that, each city is ...

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