Materialism vs Buddhism- By Dr. Justice Chandradasa Nanayakkara Source:Island We live in a world dominated by materialism. Acquisition of things has become the core of our existence. Status and wealth are given so much importance. People like to flaunt their wealth and other material objects, such as new vehicles, trendy clothes, houses, modern gadgets and even lovely holidays spent in faraway exotic places. In a materialistic society, people are more inclined to demonstrate their status through visible materialistic consumption. They constantly try to attract the attention and recognition of others. Contemporary materialism as a mindset is a part of a long history that established its roots in the 20 th century. Briefly, materialism is the desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters. The Oxford Dictionary defines materialism as “a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values”. ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 20th March 2022 – 6th Edition – Sri Lankans In Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter “OLD FOLKS AT HOME” – by Des Kelly Sydney Harbour Bridge celebrates its 90th birthday Sri Lanka Sports Association’s 14th Anniversary Dinner Dance on 21st May 2022 (Brisbane event) Why one of Australia’s richest women plans to give away ALL of her $16.5billion fortune – here’s how she rocketed up the nation’s rich list in just nine years Taking the Sri Lankan Brand to Australian Radio! The Brad & Kiara Show Kiara Onradio – on Triple H (100.1 FM) – Saturday mornings 7-8 The Beatles – Cartoon by Max Gerreyn War And Peace – by Oscar E V Fernando SUNDAY CHOICE – He took my place on Calvary Rugby League – Bellamy’s fitting 500th game celebration, a thriller – by Trevine Rodrigo (Melbourne: ...

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Filial piety in Buddhism-By Dr. Justice Chandradasa Nanayakkara Source:Island Society consists of network of relationships which are mutually interdependent and interrelated. According to Sigalavoda Sutta the society is sustained by a network of interlocking relationships such as the relationship of parents and child, teacher and pupil, employer and employee and husband and wife etc. Members in these relationships are expected to fulfill their reciprocal duties and responsibilities in a spirit of kindness and sympathy. In the strong web of relationships, parents and child relationship is considered the most fundamental as it nurtures the physical emotional and social development of the child. Moreover, filial piety displayed by children towards their parents in the context of parents and child relationship is seen as the basis for an orderly harmonious society. Filial piety and providing care for aging parents is not only considered a central virtue in many religions it was also deeply rooted and ...

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