Early humans used bows and arrows to hunt in tropical rainforests 48,000 years ago, study says-By Ashley Strickland Source:Edition (CNN)Early humans living on the island of Sri Lanka 48,000 years ago crafted tools from animal bones and used them to hunt monkeys and squirrels, according to a new study. This represents the earliest evidence of bow and arrow technology outside of Africa to date. Last year, researchers released a study analyzing monkey and squirrel bones found in the Fa-Hien Lena cave on the island; the research revealed that early humans hunted them. This cave is also the site of the earliest fossil appearance of Homo sapiens in South Asia. Humans occupied the area during four different time periods between 4,000 and 48,000 years ago. Some of the bones in the cave had been fashioned into tools, so the researchers analyzed them to understand how our early ancestors managed to successfully hunt such ...

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