Magical Vignettes on the Sri Lankan Unknowns from an Intrepid Adventurer Source:Thuppahis Stefan d’Silva’s Isle of Mystique- Isle of Legend – Glimpsing Eclipsed Sri Lanka is an apt title for a publication that illustrates, in vivid colour images and informative text, the wonder of Sri Lanka. The book explores places far from the routine travel agenda of most people. Mysterious rock paintings only recently discovered, cave inscriptions, rock art, old British military fortifications, remote lifestyles of nautical communities, the lost wealth of the Mannar Pearl Banks, the theft of the last Sinhala King’s crown and legends of lost races – and more, are all a part of this 247 page publication with revealing historical facts. The complex and rich history of this resplendent isle we call home is showcased in a manner that has never been showcased before. There is a ‘guarantee’ that the readers would not have been to some places ...