Thank You Mr. Casie Chetty, former Headmaster STC Prep Source:Stcobasydney We’re looking at a bountiful selection of thank you cards; handwritten, elegantly worded, these mementos are an apt expression for the man who has received them. “Little things,” he smiles. “But it’s very rewarding to feel that your work is appreciated.” N.Y. Casie Chetty is reluctant to describe himself as an educationist, despite 20 years serving as Headmaster at S. Thomas’ Preparatory School. A lawyer by education, his appointment to the school in 1995 came at a time of social turmoil in the country. Casie Chetty had grown rather weary of seeing the gentle society he grew up in disintegrating at the hands of rebellious youth without a cause. “The country was in a state of anarchy,” he remembers. “I found myself wondering more and more if this was the kind of society my children would have to inherit.” Not ...

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