A Requiem For Barbara Sansoni: From 1962 …. – by Michael Roberts Source:thuppahis.com Somasiri Devendra, ** whose chosen title is “A wooden bridge, an iron house, and Barbara then ….” .………… of such are memories made, writes Somasiri Devendra So, Barbara has ridden off into the sunset, on her white horse, after “a hard day’s night” leaving behind memories of the times when she was a person, not an icon, and very good company indeed. Those memories reach back 60 years. In 1962 I was the only unmarried officer, in our ‘ship’ in Diyatalawa – Her Majesty’s Ceylon Ship “Rangalla” – living in solitary splendour in the Wardroom (the Officers’ Mess). That made me the official host to visiting dignitaries. One day I was told to stand by to entertain a WW2 veteran, a Lieut. Cdr. Hildon Sansoni, who would be coming on a longish holiday with his family. Proctor of the Supreme Court, National ...

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