VISHARADA NIHAL GAMHEWA MUSIC MAESTRO FOR COMPOSING MUSIC WITH LYRICS HAVING TRAINED A GENERATION OF PHENOMINAL VOCALISTS AND PLAYERS – by Sunil Thenabadu   This article written by me to my BLOG  based mainly on the program “Siyapath Pokura” involving Visharada Nihal Gamhewa, telecast in the ITN on the 24th April 2022 compered by the  award winning television and radio presenter Indrasiri Suraweera,  Presenter described the musical genius as a unique music maestro who groomed a generation of popular singers in the 1980 –1990 decades  created a gigantic river with fountains which was never allowed to evaporate. This presenter who presented this musical concert quipped that ten artistes of the 1990 decade had all sung popular songs for the musical compositions of Visharada Nihal Gamhewa for his own lyrics. One familiar name that was not there unfortunately was that of deceased Prince  Udaya Priyantha.  Nihal Gamhewa an exceptional lyricist, composer,singer cum a  music adviser/counsellor who had Joined the NYSC in 1983 to a void created by an adviser ...

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Nalin Jayawardena: A multifaceted versatile artist  – by Sunil Thenabadu in Brisbane  Photo Source:Facebook Nalin Jayawardena was born in year 1957 with music wits lays emphasis on diverse mode of lyric writing unlike many other lyric writers. Although was interested in pursuing a career in music from younger age was unfortunately deprived of his ambition owing to the incapability like many other talented singers to penetrate the dominance of the dictatorship of many established artistes in the 1970 and1980 decades. The cause may have attributed mainly for his social economic constraints. But Nalin did not deter to surrender his desire and succumb. In this valiant perspective Nalin was however able to break through and fulfil his childhood ambition only after his 40th birthday having migrated to Perth Australia three decades ago. During the past fifteen years Nalin had recorded over 350 songs in over 25 CD’s /DVD’s which could be heard and viewed via ...

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