Humans, Science, Power, Wealth, and Social Disintegration – By Engr. Kanthar Balanathan Solar System It is assumed and recorded that the solar system formed into its current outline about 4.5 billion years ago. It is presumed that the earth and the other planets are whirling and rotating in a vacuum with no resistance. An inertial frame of reference is where Newton’s law holds. If no external force is acting on a body; either it will stay at rest or remain in uniform motion. Planet earth’s motion is in a vacuum with no resistance. Hence it remains in uniform motion with interplanetary gravitational forces until disturbances occur. Earth is in motion; however, it is under a dynamic equilibrium exerted by the interplanetary planets in the Solar system’s multi-directional gravitational pull. Quote Ref: At the equator, the circumference of the Earth is 40,070 kilometres the speed is 1670 kilometres/hour.   How did Pangea become 7 ...

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