Asian Musical Renderings from the Highest Realms: Two Aficianados in Conversation-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Somasiri Devendra, whose title in this item in The Ceylankan, 24/4: November 2022, is “A long, long way from the Bagpipes”…. with highlighting imposed by The Editor, Thuppahi Last month, when I began a personal tribute to Barbara Sansoni, recalling how I first met her: “I was the only unmarried officer, in our ‘ship’ in Diyatalawa – Her Majesty’s Ceylon Ship “Rangalla” – living in solitary splendour in the Wardroom (the Officers’ Mess). That made me the official host to visiting dignitaries……” I was reminded of meeting, at the very same Wardroom, another cultural icon of the times, Rev.Fr. Marcelline Jayakodi OMI. That Wardroom was, then, a spacious, gracious house, perched on the tip of a spur, looking down on the plain below. The location, silence, peace and tranquility charmed all those who visited us. I was privileged to live there. We ...