A cold and frosty night in Melbourne failed to overcome the warmth of the birthday celebration of Suresh De Cruze at the popular Walawwa. – By Trevine Rodrigo A cold and frosty night in Melbourne failed to overcome the warmth of the birthday celebration of Suresh De Cruze at the popular Walawwa. A few family members and friends took in the Street Food scene and enjoyed a night of fun and entertainment with plenty of laughter to celebrate the occasion. A beautiful birthday cake organised by Suresh’s wife Vanessa and kids Shanae and Ethan made the low key occasion complete. The Walawwa has made giant strides in the Street Food segment at an affordable price with a bit of musical entertainment thrown in for good measure. Under the direction of new Manager Desmond Foulstone, it strikes a chord with diners on a Thursday night for an early smorgasbord dinner with ...
Jul 6, 2024
Articles, Photo Gallery, Photos, Trevine Rodrigo
Tagged Melbourne, Melbourne Birth Day Party, Suresh De Cruze's Birth Day, Suresh De Cruze's Birth Day Party, Walawwa