RANDEER MENDIS REMINSCES UNCLE MAXWELL”S “EVER GREENS” – BY SUNIL THENABADU The popular songs of Max- well Mendis such as ‘Mama Bohoma Baya Uuna’, Seda Sulang Hamanne’, ‘Mage Su- rathal Podi Duwa’, ‘Mahadena Muththa’, ‘Saravita Bulath Wikununna’ and ‘Bola Ka- dala’are now back on stage with the new voice of Ran- deer Mendis. Randeer Mendis, the son of Lalith Mendis of ‘Mendis Four-some’ and the nephew of Maxwell, has stormed the stage with evergreens of Maxwell , Unfortunately after his demise in the early 2000 decade his popular name and songs were diminishing in popularity. However his nephew Randeer Mendis having inherited his talent is now unearthing the lost prestige of his Uncle Maxwell. His father Lalith Men- dis had thought him to learn playing the guitar, keyboards, sent him for music classes as he had inherited music talents. In year 1972 almost five decades back four members of a Mendis ...