Abdominal bloating – BY Harold Gunatilake We all at some stage or other, frequently or less frequently feel bloated and tight in our abdomens. It is mainly due to build-up of gas in the tummy and the small gut and due to disturbances in the movement of the smooth muscles in the small gut. On feeling your stomach, it feels distended and most times you may have colicky pains and discomfort. Some people have more flatulence and bloating than others. They pass more gas, or you could call it breaking wind. Healthy people do it between 14 to 23 times each day. If you pass wind more than the typical person, you may wonder what’s going on in your gut and whether it’s a symptom of a more serious health condition. Excess bloating and flatulence could be due to harmless causes such as swallowing air, eating gas producing foods and ...

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