“A LUCKY STAR” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ Another “TOP” Country Music “favourite” of mine, in fact, one of the greatest “Country” Singers ever, MERLE HAGGARD. Fondly known and remembered “The Hag”, he was anything but one. Handsome, rugged, a “man’s man”, with the Christian name of a “girl”, as we, in Ceylon remember “Merle”, he was nonetheless anything but one. Merle Haggard grew up (as I did, myself), a born “rebel”, wanting to live his life, his way, which he did, right to the end. Born with a talent in music, Merle Haggard sang, entertained, played guitar & “fiddle”, which the “Country Yanks” call a Violin and wrote quite a few of his own songs.He wrote them, the same way I do, simple but meaningful Dear readers, please , watch this one on “You-Tube”. Merle, rest in peace. You were great indeed. “TWINKLE TWINKLE LUCKY STAR” TWINKLE. ...

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