Go for the low hanging fruit Mr. President! A letter to AKD……. – By Aubrey Joachim Dear Mr. President, As they say in the classics, it’s done and dusted. Your long cherished dream of leading your country has come to fruition. It has been a long struggle from your humble beginnings in the village of Tambuttegama to the Presidential Palace in Colombo. Yet you have not lost your humility and simple way of life and the kitchen staff at President’s House will need to change menus to village style rice and curry dishes instead of French cuisines including award winning wines. Your victory is a case study in marketing. You turned a 3% market share to a 43% market share in the space of 5 years despite all the false marketing propaganda by your competitors. Despite most of the media working against you, your digital keyboard warriors conveyed your messages ...

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A time to be bold. Is it time for change? Will the clamour for ‘system change’ eventuate? – By Aubrey Joachim Cats and dogs are not on the menu of election debates in Sri Lanka. However, it certainly seems like all the parties involved are fighting like cats and dogs! The last few weeks have seen an increase in the barking, snarling, scratching and even the lifting of hind legs as the various groups piss on each other. Key figures have been moving between political camps, hedging their bets and carrying their mange like stray dogs polluting what may have at one time been clean camps. Meanwhile, the masses of voters are joining in the melee following the pack not any the wiser, with the only clue being the odour of the mange and the droppings! The Economic aspirations On another level, the high profile business briefings, town hall style ...

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