Aubrey Joachim

A time to be bold. Is it time for change? Will the clamour for ‘system change’ eventuate? – By Aubrey Joachim Cats and dogs are not on the menu of election debates in Sri Lanka. However, it certainly seems like all the parties involved are fighting like cats and dogs! The last few weeks have seen an increase in the barking, snarling, scratching and even the lifting of hind legs as the various groups piss on each other. Key figures have been moving between political camps, hedging their bets and carrying their mange like stray dogs polluting what may have at one time been clean camps. Meanwhile, the masses of voters are joining in the melee following the pack not any the wiser, with the only clue being the odour of the mange and the droppings! The Economic aspirations On another level, the high profile business briefings, town hall style ...

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A HAL moment for earthlings. – By Aubrey Joachim Most baby boomers would remember watching the then futuristic sci-fi movie “2001: A Space Odyssey”. One of the scenes towards the end of the movie show one of the astronauts who ventures outside the spacecraft to repair a communications antenna being locked out of the craft by the ‘intelligent’ computer HAL. The astronaut slowly drifts off into the black openness of space. Most of the other crew are also killed inside the craft. Basically HAL’s programmed instructions to protect certain mission secrets from the crew conflicts with its loyalty to the crew. Sounds familiar? 2.39 p.m. AEST July 19th, 2024: Computer systems across various establishments started failing. The blue ‘screen of death’ brought shivers down people’s spines. Within hours, word was filtering from across the globe – Planet Earth was literally shutting down! Persons could not transact at various service centres, ...

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A time to ponder; a time for change? – By Aubrey Joachim More than at any time in the past those in whose hands lies the power to choose their leaders will also decide their own futures and that of their children – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara    Source : ft There has never been as important a period in the history of Sri Lanka as will be the next few months. The country is still reeling under the financial and economic battering of two years ago. As per the latest statistics the country’s debt burden has ticked over the $ 100 billion mark – including the backlog of interest. Meanwhile, a deceptive sense of calm and even spots of prosperity – for some – seem to prevail on the surface disguising strong undercurrents of turmoil.  This turmoil is more than just a single facet. One could debate which of them ...

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A major global worry. When leaders and politicians do not know when to quit! Has the US Presidential debate got lessons for Sri Lanka? – By Aubrey Joachim June 28th 2024 may well go down in the annals of history as a day that changed the fortunes of the world. Most of the world would have been in shock watching two geriatrics – one the current leader of the free world and the other the prospective leader of the free world – go at each other tooth and nail to stake their claim to be the next President of the United States of America. One of them an 82-year old frail statesman and the other a convicted felon. Neither would have convinced any sane and intelligent person of their suitability to hold the important job. One was clearly and literally at a loss for words – and thoughts – while ...

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A musical journey back in time. When a music genre can take you back in time.- By Aubrey Joachim I turned into my mid-twenties a few hours ago. Yes, I did. No I have not come upon the secret of reverse aging nor discovered a new elixir. I was at the ABBA arena at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London attending ‘ABBA Voyage’ the high-tech AI created musical show reliving the halcyon days of my youth. Hours after the show I am still finding it difficult to get back to reality. My mind and body are young again. The 3,000 seat arena was jam packed. For the first time I was at a venue that had a configuration of dance floor and tiered seating. The dance floor had a capacity of 1,600 and the seating was 1,400. And on this summer Friday night in London the venue was jam ...

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The Sri Lanka visa debacle…. How to break what is working well!! – By Aubrey Joachim Social media is a wonderful thing. Within a few hours the entire world knows what is happening in any area of interest. Of course as diaspora living in all parts of the globe, Sri Lankans are always interested in what is happening in the land of their birth – the good, the bad and the ugly. There is always the ‘ugly’ – thanks to the politicians ruling the country. The ‘good’ – of which there should be so much that Sri Lankans at home and abroad can be proud of. And then there is the BAD. In the last few days a video clip has been circulating on all social media platforms showing a very irate young Sri Lankan at the arrivals area of Katunayake airport absolutely venting his spleen. At first one would ...

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Is Sri Lanka at the crossroads ….. An economic, social and political perspective of the country – By Aubrey Joachim As the delayed UL309 touched down at Katunayake from Singapore my sense of elation intensified. I was visiting Sri Lanka after nearly 6 years. What was I to expect? My mental images were influenced by the pictures and videos seen on various media platforms during the pandemic, the lead-up to the aragalaya and its aftermath as well as the local and global news and financial press. Over the recent past a number of very enticing video blogs promoting the country’s tourist attractions and mouth-watering street food markets have also surfaced on the web. So too have Lankan lifestyle and reality entertainment shows added to the complexity. One clue to apparent economic conditions was looking out of the window on the landing approach and seeing the bright lights of the city ...

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The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim Christians the world over commenced one of the most important periods in their spiritual calendar last Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates the day when Jesus Christ triumphantly entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey to the cheers and welcome of palm waving crowds. Jesus had requested his disciples ahead of time to go into the city of Jerusalem and prepare a place for him to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Specific instructions were given to the disciples with regards the room to be selected and the specific arrangements. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was also to set in train a series of events which would lead to his death on the cross which Christians believe was to save mankind from sin. Commemoration of the Passover is on the Thursday preceding Good ...

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Down musical memory lane … on Alive 90.5 FM Reminiscing the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s music scene in Colombo. – By Aubrey Joachim “You can take the Sri Lankan out of Sri Lanka, but you cannot take Sri Lanka out of the Sri Lankan”. So said Pam Rajapaksa – host of Lankan Fusion an interesting radio show on Alive 90.5 FM when she and I sat to reminisce the music scene of Ceylon in the bygone years. Reminiscing the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s conjures in every Sri Lankan of that era the halcyon days when life was a breeze in a country that offered so much. Many Lankans who now live in countries across the globe can only pine over those days and refer to Ceylon as a one-time paradise on earth over a drink or a meal. While that era is a kaleidoscope of memories, what stands out most ...

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