The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

Aubrey JoachimChristians the world over commenced one of the most important periods in their spiritual calendar last Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates the day when Jesus Christ triumphantly entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey to the cheers and welcome of palm waving crowds. Jesus had requested his disciples ahead of time to go into the city of Jerusalem and prepare a place for him to celebrate the Jewish Passover. Specific instructions were given to the disciples with regards the room to be selected and the specific arrangements. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was also to set in train a series of events which would lead to his death on the cross which Christians believe was to save mankind from sin.

Commemoration of the Passover is on the Thursday preceding Good Friday and is known as Maundy Thursday. It is on this day that Jesus Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist which forms the foundation of the Christian faith when Christ had the Last Supper with his disciples. The following day – known as Good Friday, Jesus was subjected to the most humiliating and gruesome acts perpetrated by the Jews together with the Roman rulers of Jerusalem. The entire sequence of events is portrayed and referred to as the Passion of Christ.

This Passion of Christ has been commemorated and re-enacted for two thousand years in various parts of the Christian world. In Sri Lanka, Passion Plays are commonly enacted in various Catholic towns – mostly along the western coast from Mannar in the North to Maggona in the South. The very realistic scenes of Jesus Christ being whipped, stripped and nailed to the cross are performed by casts of actors who year after year come together to re-live the Good Friday incidents of two thousand years ago. The scenes are so realistic that Catholic devotees pay solemn homage and are often seen weeping. It was such a performance that was presented by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association (SLNSWCA) last Sunday at the grounds of the Mount Schoenstatt Shrine in Mulgoa.

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The “Passion of Christ” was written and directed by the SLNSWCA Chaplain Rev. Fr. Treesen Silva assisted by up and coming co-director Maliza Silva together with a large cast and crew that came together to put on such a spell binding performance that – in the words of an attendee “brought tears to my eyes”. The main role was played by well-known Sydney personality Roy Gunaratne whose portrayal of Jesus Christ was so realistic and genuine.

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The enactment begins with Jesus being dragged by Roman soldiers to the courthouse of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate to be sentenced to death. Jesus is then whipped and scourged and given his cross to make his difficult journey to Calvary. On the way he comes face to face with his mother Mary where a touching mother-and-son scene is enacted. He falls under the weight of the cross and a bystander Simon of Cyrene is summoned by the soldiers to help Jesus carry the cross. Further along, Veronica comes out of the crowd to wipe the bloodied face of Jesus. Finally, Jesus arrives at the place of the crucifixion – Golgotha. Here Jesus is nailed to the cross alongside two petty criminals. The rest is recorded in history.

The entire performance brought together nearly 30 amateur actors playing the roles of Pontius Pilate, Roman high priests, Roman soldiers, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Veronica, The Apostles, Barabbas and the petty criminals plus make-up artistes, wardrobe stewards, prop stewards. The entire dialogue was performed by voice-actors with the Catholic Association choir providing choral back-up. The haunting musical score – including the sounds of thunder and earthquakes was choreographed by Malith de Silva and made the entire performance so realistic.

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

Credit goes to the Executive Committee of the SLNSWCA led by Claude Perera who took on this mammoth task and encouraged the cast and crew following the success of the Nativity Play produced last December. Many dozens of members helped and supported the production to make it a grand success and perhaps the first of its kind in Sydney. This event will undoubtedly be a firm part of the SLNSWCA annual calendar from now on as is being demanded by the community.

The author is the Hony. Secretary of the SLNSWCA. Those interested in more details, pictures and the event video can follow the fb page


The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

The Passion of Christ ….. A unique presentation by the Sri Lanka New South Wales Catholic Association – By Aubrey Joachim

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