God is Love – By Derrick Fernando Source:- Qld Sri Lankan Newsletter Christianity is not about whether we are right or wrong, good or bad but whether we love and have compassion. One day Jesus healed a blind man and the Jews were debating about how he became blind, was it his past sin, a curse, unbelief or his parent’s sin? The man said, I do not know about these debates, but one thing I know; once I was blind and now, I can see! That is all that is required. Seek God’s love and compassion first; then everything else will be all right! The world is full of elitism, rampant individualism, nationalism and militarism. Me, my race, my nationality, my caste, my culture first; everything else is secondary. We can see where the world is heading with this ‘me culture’ penetrating every fabric of our society. When we see ...