A compilation of recent news headlines regarding anti-Semitic incidents, with a focus on Australia and Sri Lanka – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Have you ever wondered why churches have often been the targets of attacks throughout history? What drives people to take such drastic actions against these institutions? Let’s explore the complex reasons behind these historical conflicts involving churches.? In 1995, the Sri Lankan Air Force indisputably bombed the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Navally during the Sri Lankan Civil War. This brutal attack claimed the lives of at least 147 Tamil civilians, including women, children, and men. In 1999, the Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu in Sri Lanka was shelled during the Sri Lankan Civil War. The attack killed around 40 minority Sri Lankan Tamil civilians, including children, and injured more than 60 others. An inside view of St Anthony’s shine after the explosion St ...

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Australia assures technical support to Sri Lanka’s national security, maritime affairs Source : dailymirror Australia has expressed its potential technical support in areas such as national security, maritime affairs, digitalization, public sector modernization, vocational education, and the energy sector in Sri Lanka. The assurance was made during a meeting between Australia’s High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Paul Stephens and the Secretary to the President Dr. Nandika Sanath Kumanayake at the Presidential Secretariat today, President’s Media Division (PMD) said. The High Commissioner said that the new government’s corruption-free approach to governance is attracting investors. He also expressed Australia’s willingness to provide support at any time for the government’s efforts to establish a corruption-free system across the country. Highlighting the 75 years of friendship between Sri Lanka and Australia, the High Commissioner emphasized the commitment to further strengthen ties and continue fostering close relations between the two nations. High Commissioner Stephens commended President ...

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