Alcohol consumption and COPD-by Dr. Harold Gunatillake  FRCS, MBBS,AM(Sing), FIACS, FICS   Any form of alcohol consumption, up to one to two drinks a day seem to favor good health in some chronic diseases including hypercholesterolemia, Essential high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, chronic airway disease(COPD), viral and bacterial diseases, and among others provided the medication taken has no side effects with alcohol, or contraindicated for other reasons. Research articles on the alcohol consumption shows a U-shaped relation with allcauses, including COPD and cardiovascular mortality. ...

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  Minimising the risk of Alzheimer’s disease-by Harold Gunatillake Web Site:- Transcript: Alzheimer’s disease is an inflammatory degenerative disease of the brain described as early as 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer. There is progressive memory loss and loss of cognitive function. Now what does cognitive function mean? It is an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas. It includes multiple mental abilities, learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making and attention. When you decline from these mental abilities and affects the performance of daily activities, we call it dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia.It is more specific and is the most common type of dementia accounting for 80% of cases. ...

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