Triglycerides can harm your body. – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Transcript: Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in the blood. When you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn’t need to be used immediately into triglycerides, which are stored in your fat cells. High levels of triglycerides in the blood can be caused by a few factors, with obesity and poorly controlled diabetes is the most common ones. If you have excess weight and are not physically active, your triglyceride levels maybe high, mainly if your diet is high in carbohydrates, sugary foods, or alcohol. “You are concerned about cholesterol levels in your blood, including bad LDL and good HDL. It is also essential to consider your triglyceride levels, as they play an important role in your health but can also cause harm if they are too high. Triglyceride levels usually fall into the following categories: Healthy: ...

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What are beta Blockers & who should take them?-Dr Harold Gunatillake Transcript: Suppose you suffer from high blood pressure and find your pulse rapid or irregular. In that case, your doctor will put you on a beta-blocker with other antihypertensive medication to protect the heart from a second heart attack after a first heart attack. They are also called adrenergic blocking agents that reduce blood pressure. They work by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. Now, what is the function of adrenaline in your body? Adrenaline is a hormone released from the adrenal glands that sit on your kidneys. When you are stressed, or in frightful situations, the adrenaline level in your blood is raised. That makes your heart beat faster, and your lungs breathe more efficiently. It helps your body react quickly. ...

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Beta blockers- what are they?-by Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: Transcript: Beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure. In my recent previous videos, I have discussed other specific drug groups that lower your blood pressure- such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and Calcium-channel blockers. Today we discuss how betablockers lower your blood pressure, and other uses. Beta blockers are also known as beta-adrenergic blocking agents, are medications used to slow down your heart rate, with less force to lower your blood pressure. ...

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