Sri Lankan-born Jayamali Arambewela appointed to top post in Canadian green energy producing company Jayamali Arambewela appearing on Roopana Web Magazine Sri Lankan-born Jayamali Arambewela has been appointed as the Vice President of Potentic Renewables, a major Canadian company specializing in solar and wind energy. Jayamali who was born in Matara and studied electrical engineering in China said her company is a leader in the development of green energy resources in Ontario and in her new job she is in charge of operations which she describes as ‘a new and challenging experience in her 20-year career’. Speaking to Manjula Wickeramaratne of Roopana weekly web broadcast, Jayamali said her company’s top priority is developing renewable energy to generate electricity. “Our firm has so far undertaken about 600 projects, also including the installations of solar rooftops in 300 public schools in the province. The power generated by our projects is directly transferred ...

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