The dietary fiber you need for better health.- By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: The socioeconomic crisis in Sri Lanka has enabled the people to go on a plant-based diet and become healthier as a nation, as meat and fish are out of reach of the common person. Dietary fibre is that part of plant material in the diet which is resistant to enzymatic digestion and includes cellulose, noncellulosic polysaccharides such as hemicellulose, pectic substances, gums, mucilages, and non-carbohydrate component lignin. Fibre is found in Carbs. Now what is fiber? Dietary fibre is found in wholegrain cereals and fruit and vegetables. Fibre is made up of the indigestible parts or compounds of plants, which pass relatively unchanged through our Website: stomach and intestines. Fibre is mainly a carbohydrate. The main role of fibre is to keep the digestive system healthy. High protein-containing foods also have high fiber. Lentils ...

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    What alcohol does to you – by Harold Gunatillake What alcohol does to you. SCRIPT It is the season we all indulge and drag into excess drinking. This video is for us to be cautious. Yes, it is for us to think twice before getting intoxicated during this holiday season. Alcohol is also called ethyl alcohol or ethanol. It is made from grains, fruits or veggies through a process called fermentation- when yeast or bacteria react with the sugars in such food and the by-product is ethanol and carbon dioxide. Sri Lankans in the villages drink a fermented product from potatoes and other fruits called “Kasippu” very toxic to the liver. One gram of alcohol has 7 calories, which is more than one gram of carbs having 4 calories, proteins -4 calories and fat has 9 calories. A 12 ounces regular beer has 14 grams of pure alcohol. ...

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