Text of keynote address by Sunil de Silva – at the 73rd Independence day celebration by Sri Lankan community groups in Sydney, Australia on 06 February 2020 [Text of keynote address by Sunil de Silva – at the 73rd Independence day celebration by Sri Lankan community groups in Sydney, Australia on 06 February 2020] It is an honour to address an event organized by Sinhalese, Tamil, Malay, Moor, Buddhist, Hindu Christian and Islamic philosophies and faiths. Today’s combined effort augurs well and hopefully finds similar events in our motherland. We are all siblings of one mother, we have our sibling rivalries, ‘I can run faster than my brother, I ‘am better than my sister at mathematics, I ‘am prettier than my elder sister’ but when it comes to celebrating the mother’s birthday, they all get together in baking the cake and preparing the food, and all join in singing ‘Happy Birthday’ ...

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