Exercise (walking) is a powerful medicine for daily life. – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Transcript: As Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician often referred to as the “Father of Western Medicine”, wisely stated, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” His timeless advice still holds today. Walking is a simple yet powerful activity that can significantly impact our health and longevity. Let us explore today how simple daily brisk walking contributes to a longer, healthier life. Daily physical activity can be the most effective remedy for leading healthy and fulfilling lives without relying on medications or supplements. It is a potent medicine that helps our physical and mental well-being. Let’s delve into why it is frequently regarded as the best prescription. How does walking reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and stroke? When you exercise like a daily walk, your heart rate increases significantly. This causes your heart to work harder ...

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  Daily walk is the Panacea for good health & Longevity Good advice by Dr. harold Martin Luther Jr said it differently- “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther Jr. did not have health in mind when he cited the above to his people, but that citation applies well as a drive for good health. I have my own saying- “Walk foreword and age backwards” What this means is stay active all the time, without sedentarily sitting down, wasting time on watching TV series for hours, as most do. How does walking help? Let’s discuss further. Studies have shown, if you walk at a slow pace of two miles per hour you could lower your risk of getting most chronic diseases like heart ...

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