Carmel and Damayanthi – “I grieve at the loss of family. I grieve at the loss of friends” – by Charmaine Candappa I grieve at the loss of family. I grieve at the loss of friends. Carmel and Damayanthi who died too young. They died so unexpectedly when there was so much left in their vibrant lives. I grieve at the recent loss of a very close friend and neighbor Dora. I miss her intensely. I celebrate the time I had with each of them. When I think of my friends and my siblings that I have left this earth, I want to focus on the good memories they brought to me. We are all going to die, yet we don’t linger on that fact. Acceptance of the inevitable might be the key to living life more fully and gracefully. It might be the best way to honor those we ...

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