Buddy Musafer – a Tribute by Hussain Jayah Source: Hussain Jayah FB ( https://www.facebook.com/hussain.jayah ) For those who knew Buddy Musafer. “A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS  !! That’s what he was, to put it modestly. A household name in most professional areas he worked in. UTA or United French Airlines was one of his favorite work places. It is said that sometimes Buddy had to work the full day in the city office, n thereafter go to the Airport to assist in the flight operations.  Being ALWAYS immaculately dressed, he did not want his well creased trousers to look worn out, especially at the airport with the UTA Stewardesses being around. Being practical, in the afternoons he slipped out of his trousers and sat in his underwear behind the counter unnoticed by the walk- in passengers, and put them on, the way to the airport. It only came to light to his office ...

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