See beyond the Well and Contribute to System Change! – By Oscar E V Fernando Majority-A and Minority B-Are they equal before Law-some say this and others that This Void not met? -more blood will be shed! This that or the other we say-Shadow of Majority falls on a Minority Solution? Both sides to approach in grace and Charity[H1] . Not possible says some-look at Buddha Gandhi Christ Mandela and the likes Let go Hatred-Love-Forgive-Turn other cheek-are Traits to abide Possible it is-difficult if history alone you abide History at times opinionated and opinion a view held as probable-beside. See the score behind-in Thirties -State Council a Happy Majority/Minority Mix Closer to Independence they all struggled to fix Independence, won-but then the Struggle to win-Left or Right of Boss began Started then and still goes on now-in a battle of disgrace and shame In struggle for Power-Land-Politics Finance ...
Dec 7, 2024
Articles, Oscar Fernando
Tagged Buddha, Christ, Gandhi, Mandela, Oscar E V Fernando, System Change