A Failing Heart – Dr harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctoharold.com Heart failure occurs when the heart is too weak or stiff to pump blood adequately throughout the body. Promoting good health for Sri Lankans, globally When we’re born, we have a healthy heart that works well. But if we’re born with a heart problem, it can cause issues later in life. Today, we’re talking about how to keep our hearts healthy. One important thing is to stay healthy, as being overweight can put extra pressure on the heart and weaken it over time. Being overweight also increases the risk of heart problems like heart failure. This happens because fatty tissue can build up in the heart and cause it not to work correctly. Further, the heart must pump more force to distribute blood to the extra tissues formed due to obesity. What happens if obesity is left untreated? Carrying extra fat ...

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Heart Failure, Basil and Spinach- by Dr Harold Gunatillake FRCS, MBBS, AM (Sing), FIACS, FICS-Health writer to news media, newsletters, newspapers & editor of ‘Health & Views’ newsletter     The topic of the subject is confusing, but as you read, you’ll understand the significance. What is heart failure and why should it occur? Your heart start beating from your early foetal stage till you exhale your last breath. By the time you are 60, a healthy heart would have beaten continuously over two billion times. The efficient working and pumping blood from your heart can become weakened with age, but if you are aware of it, you can always adjust your lifestyle to prevent it. This decline in its efficiency is called “heart failure”. ...

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