History of money-By Shaluka Manchanayake and Gayan Narandeniya Source:Sundayobserver History of money, which has become an integral part of life, goes back as far as the beginning of human civilisation. Money is one of the means of showing wealth today and it is safe to say that the banknotes and coins have long been associated with the term ‘money’. There are many interpretations given to money from time to time. Simply put, money is the intermediate medium for the exchange of goods and services. At the beginning of human civilisation, man was accustomed to exchanging the excess material they possessed to obtain what they needed. This process of exchanging goods for goods is known as the barter method. Historians, however, say that man abandoned the barter system about 10,000 years ago because of the need to use a common medium to overcome the weaknesses of barter. ...

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