Data-driven decision-making for economic prosperity and good governance – II By Dr. Ranga Prabodanie By Dr. Ranga Prabodanie (The first part of this article appeared yesterday (05) The previous part of this article series explained how the great insurgence of digital data has revolutionized the institutional decision-making process in both business and governance. This latter part will look at the Sri Lankan context: Where we are currently and the way forward to a data-driven decision-making culture. Let’s first have a glance at how decisions are made in data-intensive public services. Education Schools, universities and vocational training institutions, throughout the country, collect, record and report data on admissions, enrolment, completion, drop-outs, results, graduations and expenditure for various programmes, courses and subjects. The Examinations Department does have digital records of GCE O/L and A/L results. However, the data is used only for the preparation of annual statistical reports, rather than for ...