“The pictures on the wall” – A Kelly Klassic by Des Kelly ...
“The pictures on the wall” – A Kelly Klassic by Des Kelly ...
AMERICA – by Des Kelly They called him “Whispering Bill” because of the timbre of his voice which was softer than normal, but Bill Anderson is also famous as a Songwriter of note, and he combined this beautiful, touching song about his Country, and the men and women who went to war for it, proving beyond doubt that Americans are prouder of their Homeland, than most other Countries are, and Whispering Bill’s song goes a long way to prove this. ...
A Kelly Klassic – “You’ve got to hear this patriotic song Bill Anderson wrote – by Des Kelly Watch this entire show on Country Road TV’s VOD platform – subscribe today right here and watch anytime! ...
A KELLY KLASSIC – “THANK YOU” – by Des Kelly He doesn’t have much of a singing voice, but would certainly be one of the TOP Songwriters in the business. Destined to be a Rhodes Scholar, he grew up in a family that was determined to see their son do well financially and not have to put up with the struggles other young guys were going through, in that era. He was brainy enough to merit being an Officer in any branch of the Military Forces he chose, but Kris Kristofferson gave this all up to be on-stage with people like his idol, Johnny Cash, write songs for himself AND so many others. This song is an example of his brilliant method of saying “Thank you” to the Almighty for his gift. Please listen, learn & enjoy. Desmond Kelly (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka. ...
A Kelly Klassic – “Lefty Frizzell – Saginaw Michigan” – by Des Kelly A Kelly Klassic. (Story in song), where Lefty was not too pleased with his father in law to be, and taught him a lesson. A great song sung Country style, just the way you like it, so please enjoy. ...
Another Kelly-Klassic – “Johnny Rodriguez – “North Of The Border”” – by Des Kelly Another Kelly-Klassic. E’LANKANS, This one is especially for all of you. His name certainly has some Portugese influence behind it,but I couldn’t care less about his Nationality. This guy can sing. Also, being a bit different,he prefers to go North of the border, and I promise you folks, you will want to listen to this song over & over again He was performing this on one of the George Jones Stage Shows, which just proves that Country Music will go on forever & a day. Please watch, enjoy it, and play it again, Sam. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka. ...
Sri Lankan Healing Dance Rituals vs Psychotherapy – By Chalanka Athalage Source : srilankanz Digging deeper into the Dance Rituals and practices in Sri Lanka, the writer intends to explore the healing capacity of dance rituals alongside western counselling psychology. Dance is one of the earliest forms of expression and communication, and the writer was intrigued to learn how it comes alive in many cultures worldwide as a healing ritual. This is evident in the first nation-people of Australia, the Māori communities of New Zealand, several African nations and many more countries across the globe. In Sri Lanka, Bali and Thovil are considered to be two incredibly powerful forms of healing dance rituals that have somehow survived the test of time and remain the most common forms of healing rituals even today. We found Bali and Thovil to be fascinating reflections of how humans inherently resort to dancing in search of ...
A Kelly Klassic – “Leona Williams – Yes M’am, He Found Me In a Honky Tonk” – by Des Kelly A Kelly Klassic. Features the 2nd wife of the late great Merle Haggard. Enjoy. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) e’ Lanka. ...
A Kelly Klassic – The Outlaws – The Best Part Of The Day Is The Night – by Des Kelly Had never heard of this Southern Country/Rock band before, watched and enjoyed a different style song they produced, stating that, “The Best part of the day is the night”. Enjoyed the song, vocalised by Hughie Thomas’s, and decided that this advice would be very good for our thousands of e’Lanka members, so here goes :- Desmond Kelly (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka ...
A Kelly Klassic “Sammy Kershaw – Third Rate Romance” – BY Des Kelly A Kelly Klassic. Thank you. Des. ...
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