Why should you eat more dietary fibre and where do you find them? Manuscript: Whatever daily food you have been eating or may be the food your ancestors have cooked down the ages, dietary fibre is a major component on any sensible diet. Eating a very low carb diet like the ketogenic, may not provide the daily fibre requirement. Dietary fibre is the non-digestible carbs found in carbohydrates. They are not found in meat products and fats. Starch you get from the carbs, mainly root veggies- is a complex carbohydrate which includes fibre. For optimum health one should choose complex carbs found in whole foods, as they are high in fibre. Foods such as plant-based black beans, rice, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce have fewer calories and getting a lot more fibre. Of course, with the rice and curry being our staple diet, there is plenty of dietary fibre, if ...

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