171 Homestead – By Charmaine Candappa I’ve been thinking a lot about my childhood home these days. 171 was a safe and familiar haven, a place that brimmed with memories that once filled us with a sense of security and peace. My family home that my father built and called Homestead comes to my mind ever so often . My childhood was lively, having a neighbor of my own age. I need to mention Rai as she was so much part of my childhood memories. Today our family home is dwarfed by tall shabbily constructed two and three storied buildings around it, a sad and pathetic sight seen almost all around the city of Colombo. As the years have so swiftly gone by, I think of those memories of my parents, my siblings, and all those domestics who helped my mother, and who came in and out of our household, a far ...
Oct 19, 2024
Articles, Charmaine Candappa
Tagged Charmaine Candappa reflections, Childhood memories in Colombo, Colombo family home memories, Emotional journey of family and loss, Emotional stories of childhood, Fading memories of childhood homes, Family love and loss in Sri Lanka, Homestead 171 St James Street, Life in Colombo Sri Lanka, Nostalgia and loss in family stories, Nostalgic reflections on family home, Preserving memories of home and family, Sentimental memories of old homes, Sri Lankan family home nostalgia, Urban transformation in Colombo