NOAH’S INDOMITABLE SPIRIT: By Joe Van Langenberg Photo Source:NewsWeek Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the, if not the greatest French emperor who ever lived. He was also the one who so famously said thus: ”The word impossible can be found only in the dictionary of fools”. Napoleon’s inspirational quote has proved to be spot-on; as evidenced in the case of 07-year-old Noah Wall; a boy who made his initial foray into the world, with only two percent of his brain intact. The rest of his grey matter was obliterated, as a consequence of his head filling up with excessive fluid, leaving his head swollen & his life hanging precariously in the balance. Noah’s grief-stricken mother Shelley was repeatedly cautioned to terminate her son’s pregnancy in 2012, given the disconcerting fact, that Noah’s head had been expanding to dangerous proportions. Nonetheless, she hoped for a favourable upshot, while simultaneously bracing herself ...

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