A Man-Created Warming of Mother Earth. – By Noor R. Rahim The devastating ecological changes that humans encounter today Are just the result of the humans’ avaricious and ambitious weighs Always throwing caution to the wind and putting it off for another day Comfort foremost being the mindset without thought to what may lay   In his/her greed for material gains there’s nothing withheld in the foray The whole World appears to follow this disastrous concept, so to say In boosting the National Wealth do they indulge and encourage The exploitation of Mother Natures’ assets to fulfil the National usage   It was in “Nature Studies” we were taught The results of the ravages on the ecology of the land Would bring to the humans untold distraught Summing it: “Man will destroy Nature & Nature will destroy Man”   Does one really think for a moment the felling of these ...

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Why Don’t You Pause a Moment – To Stand & Stare, With Me? – By Noor Rahim   Please do give a few moments of your precious time; and join me as I stand and stare, at Mother Natures’ Wonders – just for the asking and absolutely free of costs or encumbrances. Yes, one does understand that one’s life is so full of tasks, arduous and onerous, that one needs to undertake and complete, in a World that deems it so, for ones’ livelihood and family commitments – though at times these commitments are confined to the immediate family circles. Hence, time is of the essence and one does not have a spare moment to “Stand & Stare” – perhaps only at the two-legged gentry that may pass your way. All else being of little or no value; unless of course it is to one’s advantage and future utilization – ...

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