How the world’s oldest university was lost for 800 years – BBC REEL Founded more than 1,500 years ago, India’s ancient Nalanda University is thought to have been the world’s first residential university. Established more than 500 years before Oxford University, at its peak Nalanda hosted over 10,000 students from around the globe. It is considered by historians to be one of the great centres of learning of the ancient world. The university was destroyed towards the end of the 12th Century AD. Its legendary library burned to the ground and much of its ancient knowledge was lost. Now, 800 years later, the university is being revived for the modern age. Video by Mithun Pramanik Commissioned by Dan John ...

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Let’s discuss the latest research on finding a vaccine to fight against the COVID-19 by Harold Gunatillake Transcriptz; Under normal circumstances a vaccine program takes over 5 years to develop a vaccine. Due to the urgency to control the spread of the present virus being further attacking people, the researchers are attempting to produce one at high speed within one year. It is heartening to know that the Scientists at Oxford University have begun clinical trials of a coronavirus that has shown promise in rhesus monkeys and the first dose could be injected to humans within another few months. ...

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