Cassandras In Sri Lanka: Some (Random) Thoughts – BY PROF. DR. CHARLES SARVAN PONNUTHURAI Source:Colombotelegraph Since some readers may have forgotten, I begin by reminding them of the Cassandra story. She was the beautiful daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. The god Apollo fell in love with her, and in an effort at seduction, bestowed on her the gift of seeing into the future. When Cassandra still resisted his advances Apollo, unable to take back what he had already presented, turned the gift into a curse: Cassandra could foresee and fore-warn but it would go unheeded. So it is that Cassandra cried out against the impending destruction of her city but no one paid attention. Troy was destroyed; she was dragged away to slavery and later murdered. Cassandra has come to stand for anyone who warns of coming danger but is ignored. (In a figurative sense, I suppose ...

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