Provincial Councils-District Councils-District Secretariate-Municipal/Urban Councils – By Oscar Fernando And all this to run this dot of a country whilst playing-political musical chairs and dragging the country down to the labyrinth of bankruptcy. It is time, we opened our eyes to see the folly we were in, and put a stop to the Merry Go Rounds and merry-merry go rounds of musical chairs-what with introducing Provincial Councils-so devised to settle a bludgeoning power devolution problem but has ended in disaster with the failed rounds of talks that have festered the existing wound even further-and contributing in no small way to the bankruptcy of the economy! Can we even now, take the bold step of halting this folly of a costly Provincial Council Election imminently round the corner and consider scrapping all political councils and run this dot of a country with the District Secretary DS under the Minister of Local ...
Dec 16, 2024
Articles, Oscar Fernando
Tagged 13th Amendment Sri Lanka, District Councils Sri Lanka, District Secretariate functions, Governance challenges in Sri Lanka, Municipal and Urban Councils Sri Lanka, Political structure of Sri Lanka, Provincial Council elections, Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka, Role of District Secretaries